3DS Max/ MaxScript: Attach mesh but keep Material IDs

When you're trying to perform meshop.attach in MaxScript you get MaterialIDs fucked up (not in all cases, but mostly). So I faced the problem when I needed to attach meshes, but keep their material IDs for further usage.

Looking over Internet gave almost nothing and I decided to first read material IDs to array and then write them back and it worked for me.

I publish here my function and an example of usage.
It works with Editable Meshes only, but it's not that hard to make it work with polyop (I just didn't have such problem yet).

Here is the code:

Function itself
fn attachMeshKeepMatIds obj1 obj2 = 
	matIds = #()
	faceIndex = 0
	for i=1 to getNumFaces obj1 do
		faceIndex = faceIndex + 1
		matIds[faceIndex] = getFaceMatID obj1 i
	for i=1 to getNumFaces obj2 do
		faceIndex = faceIndex + 1
		matIds[faceIndex] = getFaceMatID obj2 i
	meshop.attach obj1 obj2
	for i=1 to getNumFaces obj1 do
		 setFaceMatID obj1 i matIds[i]

Usage example:
firstObj = undefined
for obj in (selection as array) do
	if firstObj == undefined then
		firstObj = obj		
		attachMeshKeepMatIds firstObj obj

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